Choose Your Software
Sparkiduino + Ardublock

Ages 7+
Block Programming
Arduino C/C++ Code

Sparki Cloud

Ages 10+
Chromebook Based
Arduino C/C++ Code

(outdated) miniBloq

Ages 7-12
Block Programming
Not Recommended
Replaced by Ardublock

Need help deciding?
w/ ArduBlock

Systems Supported

Programming Type

Block Programming
Arduino C/C++ Code
Suggested Ages

Ages 7+
SparkiDuino is an Arduino-based coding system where you learn how to code C/C++ in an easier interface. It comes pre-installed with all the changes and examples you’ll need to run Sparki. Recommended for Ages 10+.
Ardublock is a drag-and-drop block programming system similar to Scratch. Start here to learn the basics of programming and logic without having to write any lines of code. Any changes you make to the block code is translated to Arduino code before uploading, getting you ready to take the next step to using SparkiDuino. Recommended for Ages 7-12.
Sparki Cloud

Systems Supported

Programming Type

Arduino C/C++ Code
Suggested Ages

Ages 10+
Sparki Cloud is still in Beta (in progress)! It may change quickly and without warning, and is not guaranteed to work – we will support all that attempt, but issues may occur.
Sparki Cloud is a browser-based coding environment that works from within Chrome.
Sparki Cloud is perfect for Chromebook users, or those that would rather not have to deal with installing (although it is currently only available for Chromebooks).
Sparki Cloud is automatically updated to the latest version automatically.

Systems Supported

Programming Type

Block Programming
Suggested Ages

Ages 7-12
miniBloq is our older drag-and-drop block programming system.
miniBloq is useful for those just starting out, and would like to use a drag-and-drop block programming system. However, miniBloq’s role has been largely replaced by SparkiDuino’s Ardublock going forward, and is no longer maintained.