Robotics - The Perfect Platform for Learning S.T.E.M.

The skill of the future, a skill for life. Programming teaches how to control technology, not be controlled by it. Start learning with simple block-based programming, then graduate to 'real' programming with C/C++

Problem Solving
Few things can teach how to solve problems like programming your own robot how to solve its own problems. Learn to sense, think, plan, respond and execute with logical flow.

Don't just learn to interact with a computer, learn to interact with the world. Motors, sensors, speakers, LEDs, switches, displays; you'll learn it all with robotics.
The ArcBotics Difference

Truly Free Lessons
No subscriptions to pay for, extra books to buy, or apps to pay for. All our educator-written lessons are free, available to view before you buy and licensed in a remix Creative Commons license. Check them out here >

Open Source
We believe owning a product means you can do whatever you want with it. No secret programs, lock-in SDKs or opaque apps with our products. When you purchase an ArcBotics robot, you really own it. We post all the files we use to make them, free forever: schematics, board files, 3D Models and more. Check them out here >

You should be able to take what you learn and use it. Our robots are based on and teach Arduino, a simple yet powerful electronics platform used by real engineers to create almost anything. Learn Arduino, and there's no limit to what you can create.
Our Robots are in use in Over 2000 K-12 Schools and Universities World-Wide