Switching Sparki LCDs

Learn how to switch between Sparki's larger and smaller LCD versions


Lessons You Should Know

Updating to a new Sparki LCD

We like to update Sparki with better parts when we find them, and this LCD was one of them!
It’s larger and brighter than the previous version:

2016-03-01 02.18.50

However, the settings are slightly different. We’ve already included these settings in SparkiDuino and the Sparki Library, but Sparkis that used to have the old LCDs need to be ‘told’ that to remember they’re using the new LCD, otherwise they look funky:

2016-03-01 02.21.08

You can do that by uploading this piece of code to them:

After uploading this code, you can upload any code to use the LCD. By default, any example that doesn’t explicitly use the LCD just displays the logo – which is fine for testing! Here’s the Red-Green-Blue LED example, which should load the logo:

It should look like this afterwards:

2016-03-01 02.23.26

Not sure how to upload? Check out the Sparki Upload Tutorial